This section is for the crew. It
will contains links to personal friends who have interesting
This page contains Links,
Games, Notice Board, Chat Room
LAIR. This is my brothers
web site which is roleplaying related. He is expanding it to
include links for rpgs and a news service of rpg's where game
updates can be gotten. I would imagine something like, Lord Such
and Such has just molested the Orc hero whats his face is a
moment of weakness etc, etc. It is also an info site for the Grey
hawk econimics project ( to those in the know ) which he is
activley involved in.
This is Marija's
Garden. Just starting out it
contains images of fluffy cats and such like. Plans are afoot to
add home cooking recipies and other useful things that the avid
house keep might find of interest. Its hoped to also include tips
for the bachular, of the home keeping variety, not how to pick up
This is another ramp site by friend of mine
called MOST PECULIER, (that the site name not his ) if a site of
commentry and general rambling floats your boat , then this is
the page for you.
In order to make this site as interactive as possible I have included these on line games which you can play right now if you wish. They are fairly basic (but what can you expect from the net these days). I suppose that the people who make games fall into two catagories, programmers and designers/artists. It is good to see so many new games comming on-line now and although they are a little basic I am sure that they will expand as they scope of what is possible on-line becomes greater. For now you can enjoy these ones.
Jigsaw puzzel
Visit the Spacers Bar and you may meet some one in Beacon station
online chat room. Theres no Booze serverd in this on-line bar but
you can get virtualy pissed for the price of your internet
connection, I would beware of Alien weirdos and their funny
odours ( the sort that inhabit micro soft chat rooms!). You may
not need this if you are Net-Spert, but for the uninitiated here
are a few interesting tips and facts on net protocol.
1. Many sad sad SAD! people live a large proportion of their lifes on the net, personal lives that is.
2. You may see people typing (saying) such things as LOL etc, this means laugh out loud and is one of the may net talk things people say.
3. People make faces to post note comments i.e saddness will look like this :( or wink, wink might be this ;) . This is a rather silly way for people to express opinion or something like that without making use of the ingenious language we speak.
4. The above people can be spotted by two give away signs immediatly. a. They talk bollox alot and b. They are interest mainly in childish sex talk because they are very stunted individuals.
5. Thats my pennys
worth and if you are one of those people and you are reading this
I shall now call you a NERD. There I siad it!
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