This page is a Hippiesque production
Greetings. This site is devoted to passing comment on the strange and peculiar things which make up our modern world. Why, for example, do so many people spend their time visiting antique sales and garden shows when it would be far more entertaining to follow the example of Homer J. Simpson? He is truly an inspiring figure for our times. You may never find wealth or spirtitual well being, but a doughnut will always be your friend and companion. Why do people watch fly on the wall documenterys like "Hotel" and "Airport"? Working in these palces is boring enough as it is, why watch other people doing it?
Come to think of it, why aren't there
fly on the wall documetrys about flys?
This weeks
recomended film is "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
That is, recomended by me. You might see it and say "My God,
this is the most appalling film I have ever seen in my life!Come
along dear, I'm going to complain at once to the cinema manager,
and I shall demand a full refund!"