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THIS IS MADNESS !! YOU'LL KILL US ALL !!! I hear you say in a mildly girly voice but I am trying to get a science fiction experiment off the ground using the net. The idea is simply this. The layout of this site is done to make it a little interactive and I hope to vastly improve the quality and content soon. But what if there were a whole heap of sites all liked together by a common sci-fi theme. As I envision it the sites would each represent a space station or alien world or cities on alien worlds. They would all share the same type of graphic interface and would be linked by pages set up as space ports. A type of web community I suppose. Then the eventual task would be to set up an on-line game spanning these sites based on something like Elite Frontier II or some other space trading game with missions etc and a game engine which would be run by embedded java using cookies which the user carries from world to world containing his/her game information. Sound good to you? Well I have just gotten over my initial brush with HTML and am starting Java so if anybody out there in the universe of cyber-space would like to get together on this please contact me.